ordesekimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13046

Synonyms: AMG-714 | AMG714 | MAb146B7 | PRV-015
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Ordesekimab (AMG714, formerly PRV-015) is a fully human anti-IL-15 monoclonal antibody [1]. It binds to Il-15-IL-15Rα complexes on monocytes and disrupts interaction of the cytokine-bound receptor α subunit with the IL-2Rβ and common γ chains of the IL-15 receptor complex that is necessary for receptor activation and downstream signalling.
1. Wei YL, Wegesser T, Kuhns S, Werner J, Lebrec H, Wang X. (2022)
Strategies to evaluate potential effector function of glycan variants: a case study of ordesekimab (AMG 714 or PRV-015).
J Immunotoxicol, 19 (1): 109-116. [PMID:36083248]