bexmarilimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12907

Synonyms: Clevegen | FP-1305 | FP1305
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Bexmarilimab (FP-1305; Faron Pharmaceuticals) is a humanized anti-CLEVER-1 (stabilin 1; STAB1) IgG4-antibody [1]. It switches immunosuppressive M2 macrophages to immune-stimulating M1 macrophages, activates T cells and restores T cell-dependent killing of cancer cells. Bexmarilimab is a cancer immunotherapy clinical candidate [2].
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1. Hollmén M, Maksimow M, Rannikko JH, Karvonen MK, Vainio M, Jalkanen S, Jalkanen M, Mandelin J. (2022)
Nonclinical Characterization of Bexmarilimab, a Clever-1-Targeting Antibody for Supporting Immune Defense Against Cancers.
Mol Cancer Ther, 21 (7): 1207-1218. [PMID:35500016]
2. Virtakoivu R, Rannikko JH, Viitala M, Vaura F, Takeda A, Lönnberg T, Koivunen J, Jaakkola P, Pasanen A, Shetty S et al.. (2021)
Systemic Blockade of Clever-1 Elicits Lymphocyte Activation Alongside Checkpoint Molecule Downregulation in Patients with Solid Tumors: Results from a Phase I/II Clinical Trial.
Clin Cancer Res, 27 (15): 4205-4220. [PMID:34078651]