magrolimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12652

Synonyms: Hu5F9-G4
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Magrolimab (Hu5F9-G4) is a clinical lead, humanized monoclonal antibody, that binds to and blocks the function of cluster of differentiation 47 (CD47), a 'don't-eat-me' signal that is overexpressed by some cancer cells [1]. CD47-blockade disrupts the CD47-SIRPα anti-phagocytic checkpoint, which induces an immunostimulating effect that promotes macrophage-mediated phagocytosis of tumour cells [2].
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1. Liu J, Wang L, Zhao F, Tseng S, Narayanan C, Shura L, Willingham S, Howard M, Prohaska S, Volkmer J et al.. (2015)
Pre-Clinical Development of a Humanized Anti-CD47 Antibody with Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Potential.
PLoS ONE, 10 (9): e0137345. [PMID:26390038]
2. Russ A, Hua AB, Montfort WR, Rahman B, Riaz IB, Khalid MU, Carew JS, Nawrocki ST, Persky D, Anwer F. (2018)
Blocking "don't eat me" signal of CD47-SIRPĪ± in hematological malignancies, an in-depth review.
Blood Rev, 32 (6): 480-489. [PMID:29709247]