tissue factor pathway inhibitor   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 11181

Comment: TFPI is a serine protease inhibitor that regulates the tissue factor (TF)-dependent blood coagulation pathway (extrinsic pathway). It inhibits activated factor X (Xa) and VIIa-TF proteases in an autoregulatory loop. Some isoforms are tethered to the cell membrane by expression of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, others isoforms are secreted [1-2]. Inhibition of the TFPI restores hemostasis, which is a mechanism being exploited for therapeutic benefit in inherited bleeding disorders.
Species: Human
1. Hansen L, Petersen LC, Lauritzen B, Clausen JT, Grell SN, Agersø H, Sørensen BB, Hilden I, Almholt K. (2014)
Target-mediated clearance and bio-distribution of a monoclonal antibody against the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor 2 domain of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor.
Thromb Res, 133 (3): 464-71. [PMID:24393663]
2. Hilden I, Lauritzen B, Sørensen BB, Clausen JT, Jespersgaard C, Krogh BO, Bowler AN, Breinholt J, Gruhler A, Svensson LA et al.. (2012)
Hemostatic effect of a monoclonal antibody mAb 2021 blocking the interaction between FXa and TFPI in a rabbit hemophilia model.
Blood, 119 (24): 5871-8. [PMID:22563084]