spartalizumab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10140

Synonyms: NPV-PDR001 | NPVPDR001 | PDR-001 | PDR001
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Spartalizumab (PDR001) is a humanized, IgG4κ anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody immuno-oncology lead that is being developed by Novartis.
Sequence and structural information about this antibody are available from its IMGT/mAb-DB entry. BLAST analysis of the peptide sequences submitted to the WHO for the INN spartalizumab reveal exact matches with peptide sequences claimed in patent US9683048B2 [1], specifically SEQ ID NO: 91 for the entire heavy chain and SEQ ID NO: 72 for the entire light chain. Sequence IDs 91 and 72 are components of the antibody designated as BAP049-Clone-E which is one of the humanized clones generated in the discovery campaign described in US9683048B2.
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Summary of Clinical Use Click here for help
Spartalizumab (PDR001) has progressed to Phase 3 clinical evaluation in patients with advanced melanoma (in combination with the kinase inhibitors dabrafenib and trametinib). A number of Phase 2 trials, principally in a range of advanced solid tumours, but also in non-Hodgkin lymphoma are ongoing. Click here to link to's full list of PDR001 trials.