sabatolimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12361

Synonyms: MBG-453 | MBG453
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Sabatolimab (MBG-453) is an anti-TIM3 (HAVCR2) monoclonal antibody [1-2], that was developed as a leukemia immunotherapy. It binds to TIM3 on myeloid cells, blocking the interaction between TIM3 and its endogenous ligands PtdSer/galectin 9. This action blocks TIM3's function as an immune co-inhibitory receptor, and promotes an immune response against neoplastic myeloid cells.
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1. Barth S, Naran K. (2022)
TIM-3: a tumor-associated antigen beyond checkpoint inhibition?.
Immunother Adv, 2 (1): ltac021. [PMID:36406467]
2. Schwartz S, Patel N, Longmire T, Jayaraman P, Jiang X, Lu H, Baker L, Velez J, Ramesh R, Wavreille AS et al.. (2022)
Characterization of sabatolimab, a novel immunotherapy with immuno-myeloid activity directed against TIM-3 receptor.
Immunother Adv, 2 (1): ltac019. [PMID:36196369]