IL-20   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4986

Synonyms: cytokine Zcyto10 | interleukin-20
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Comment: IL-20 is an IL-10 related type II cytokine. The IL-20 pathway is a pharmacological target with potential therapeutic benefit for patients wth rheumatoid arthritis [1].
Species: Human
1. Hsu YH, Chang MS. (2017)
IL-20 in rheumatoid arthritis.
Drug Discov Today, 22 (6): 960-964. [PMID:26297177]
2. Lundblad MS, Overgaard RV, Göthberg M, Fjording MS, Watson E. (2015)
Clinical pharmacokinetics of the anti-interleukin-20 monoclonal antibody NNC0109-0012 in healthy volunteers and patients with psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Adv Ther, 32 (3): 228-38. [PMID:25749867]
3. Mosser DM, Zhang X. (2008)
Interleukin-10: new perspectives on an old cytokine.
Immunol Rev, 226: 205-18. [PMID:19161426]
4. Pass J, Ostergaard S, Clausen JT. (2012)
Anti-human interleukin-20 antibodies.
Patent number: US8287861B2. Assignee: Novo Nordisk AS. Priority date: 30/06/2008. Publication date: 16/10/2012.
5. Šenolt L, Leszczynski P, Dokoupilová E, Göthberg M, Valencia X, Hansen BB, Cañete JD. (2015)
Efficacy and Safety of Anti-Interleukin-20 Monoclonal Antibody in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Phase IIa Trial.
Arthritis Rheumatol, 67 (6): 1438-48. [PMID:25707477]