plonmarlimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 11644

Synonyms: TJ 003234 | TJ003234 | TJM2
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Plonmarlimab (TJM2/TJ003234) is a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody that is designed to neutralise granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF; CSF2) cytokine activity. It was developed by I-Mab Biopharma for potential to treat autoimmune diseases, and is likely to be Hu23F4-27 as claimed in I-Mab patent WO2018050111A1 [2].

COVID-19: Plonmarlimab is being evaluated as a mechanism to down-regulate elevated inflammation/cytokine release syndrome in patients with COVID-19 [1] in a Phase 2/3 study.
1. Bonaventura A, Vecchié A, Wang TS, Lee E, Cremer PC, Carey B, Rajendram P, Hudock KM, Korbee L, Van Tassell BW et al.. (2020)
Targeting GM-CSF in COVID-19 Pneumonia: Rationale and Strategies.
Front Immunol, 11: 1625. [PMID:32719685]
2. Wang Z, Fang L, Guo B, Zang J. (2018)
Anti-gm-csf antibodies and uses thereof.
Patent number: WO2018050111A1. Assignee: I-Mab. Priority date: 09/09/2016. Publication date: 22/03/2018.