acalisib   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10096

Synonyms: CAL-120 | GS-9820
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Acalisib (GS9820) is a PI3Kδ inhibitor [2] that is being investigated for anti-neoplastic and immunomodulatory potential.
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 6
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 4
Topological polar surface area 100.86
Molecular weight 401.14
XLogP 3.75
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4;

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Canonical SMILES Fc1ccc2c(c1)c(=O)n(c(n2)C(Nc1ncnc2c1[nH]cn2)C)c1ccccc1
Isomeric SMILES Fc1ccc2c(c1)c(=O)n(c(n2)[C@@H](Nc1ncnc2c1[nH]cn2)C)c1ccccc1
InChI InChI=1S/C21H16FN7O/c1-12(27-19-17-18(24-10-23-17)25-11-26-19)20-28-16-8-7-13(22)9-15(16)21(30)29(20)14-5-3-2-4-6-14/h2-12H,1H3,(H2,23,24,25,26,27)/t12-/m0/s1

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4;

1. Kater AP, Tonino SH, Spiering M, Chamuleau MED, Liu R, Adewoye AH, Gao J, Dreiling L, Xin Y, Doorduijn JK et al.. (2018)
Final results of a phase 1b study of the safety and efficacy of the PI3Kδ inhibitor acalisib (GS-9820) in relapsed/refractory lymphoid malignancies.
Blood Cancer J, 8 (2): 16. [PMID:29434192]
2. Shugg RP, Thomson A, Tanabe N, Kashishian A, Steiner BH, Puri KD, Pereverzev A, Lannutti BJ, Jirik FR, Dixon SJ et al.. (2013)
Effects of isoform-selective phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors on osteoclasts: actions on cytoskeletal organization, survival, and resorption.
J Biol Chem, 288 (49): 35346-57. [PMID:24133210]