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NPFF1 receptor

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Target not currently curated in GtoImmuPdb

Target id: 300

Nomenclature: NPFF1 receptor

Family: Neuropeptide FF/neuropeptide AF receptors

Gene and Protein Information Click here for help
class A G protein-coupled receptor
Species TM AA Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name Reference
Human 7 430 10q22.1 NPFFR1 neuropeptide FF receptor 1 1
Mouse 7 432 10 32.24 cM Npffr1 neuropeptide FF receptor 1
Rat 7 432 20q11 Npffr1 neuropeptide FF receptor 1 1
Previous and Unofficial Names Click here for help
GPR147 [1] | G protein-coupled receptor 147 | NPFF1 | RFamide-related peptide receptor OT7T022 | NPFF1R1 | OT7T022 [9] | GnIH-R | GnIH-R/RFRP-3
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
GPCRdb npff1_human (Hs), npff1_rat (Rn)
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ChEMBL Target
Ensembl Gene
Entrez Gene
Human Protein Atlas
RefSeq Nucleotide
RefSeq Protein
Natural/Endogenous Ligands Click here for help
neuropeptide AF {Sp: Human} , neuropeptide AF {Sp: Mouse} , neuropeptide AF {Sp: Rat}
neuropeptide FF {Sp: Human, Mouse, Rat}
neuropeptide SF {Sp: Human} , neuropeptide SF {Sp: Mouse} , neuropeptide SF {Sp: Rat}
RFRP-1 {Sp: Human}
RFRP-3 {Sp: Human}
Comments: Neuropeptide FF is the most potent endogenous agonist
Potency order of endogenous ligands (Human)
RFRP-1 (NPVF, Q9HCQ7) > RFRP-3 (NPVF, Q9HCQ7) > FMRFneuropeptide FF (NPFF, O15130) > neuropeptide AF (NPFF, O15130) > neuropeptide SF (NPFF, O15130), QRFP43 (43RFa) (QRFP, P83859), PrRP-31 (PRLH, P81277)  [5]

Download all structure-activity data for this target as a CSV file go icon to follow link

Key to terms and symbols View all chemical structures Click column headers to sort
Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
[125I]Y-RFRP-3 Peptide Ligand is labelled Ligand is radioactive Hs Full agonist 9.7 pKd 7
pKd 9.7 (Kd 8x10-9 M) [7]
[125I]1DMe Peptide Ligand is labelled Ligand is radioactive Hs Full agonist 8.9 pKd 1
pKd 8.9 [1]
[3H]NPVF Peptide Ligand is labelled Ligand is radioactive Hs Full agonist 8.6 pKd 28
pKd 8.6 (Kd 2.65x10-9 M) [28]
Y-RFRP-3 Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Full agonist 9.4 pKi 7,18
pKi 9.4 [7,18]
RFRP-3 {Sp: Human} Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand is endogenous in the given species Hs Full agonist 9.2 – 9.3 pKi 7-8,18
pKi 9.2 – 9.3 [7-8,18]
neuropeptide FF {Sp: Human, Mouse, Rat} Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand is endogenous in the given species Hs Full agonist 8.5 – 9.9 pKi 5,7,18
pKi 8.5 – 9.9 [5,7,18]
1DMe Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Full agonist 8.1 – 9.0 pKi 1,5,7
pKi 8.1 – 9.0 [1,5,7]
EFWSLAAPQRF-NH2 Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Full agonist 7.3 pKi 7,18
pKi 7.3 [7,18]
pancreatic polypeptide {Sp: European common frog} Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Partial agonist 5.3 pKi 1,7
pKi 5.3 [1,7]
Key to terms and symbols View all chemical structures Click column headers to sort
Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
BIBP3226 Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Antagonist 7.0 – 7.8 pKi 1,7,18
pKi 7.0 – 7.8 [1,7,18]
RF9 Peptide Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Antagonist 7.2 pKi 24
pKi 7.2 [24]
compound 46 [PMID: 25268943] Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Antagonist 7.1 pKi 11
pKi 7.1 (Ki 8.1x10-8 M) [11]
Description: Binding affinity.
Antagonist Comments
BIBP3226 is also a selective antagonist of NPY1 receptors.
Primary Transduction Mechanisms Click here for help
Transducer Effector/Response
Gi/Go family Adenylyl cyclase inhibition
Calcium channel
Other - See Comments
Comments:  Reactivation of phospholipase C.
References:  14,18
Tissue Distribution Click here for help
Species:  Human
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry.
References:  4
Spinal cord > hippocampus > amygdala > thalamus > whole brain, hypothalamus > cerebellum > caudate putamen > substantia nigra > spleen > lung > fetal lung > fetal brain > small intestine > pituitary, fetal kidney > kidney, stomach, skeletal muscle.
Species:  Human
Technique:  RT-PCR.
References:  1
Species:  Human
Technique:  In situ hybridization.
References:  32
Species:  Mouse
Technique:  Radioligand binding.
References:  6
Species:  Rat
Technique:  Radioligand binding.
References:  6
Functional Assays Click here for help
Measurement of cAMP levels in CHO cells transfected with the human NPFF1 receptor.
Species:  Human
Tissue:  CHO cells.
Response measured:  Inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation.
References:  9
Measurement of Ca2+ levels in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with the human NPFF1 receptor.
Species:  Human
Tissue:  SH-SY5Y cells.
Response measured:  Modulation of Ca+ levels.
References:  14
Measurement of [35S]GTPγS binding in CHO cells transfected with the human NPFF1 receptor.
Species:  Human
Tissue:  CHO cells.
Response measured:  [35S]GTPγS binding.
References:  5
Measurement of Ca2+ levels in rat periventricular hypothalamic neurons endogenously expressing the NPFF1 receptor.
Species:  Rat
Tissue:  Periventricular hypothalamic neurons.
Response measured:  Anti-opioid effects.
References:  19
Measurement of cAMP levels in CHO cells transfected with the rat NPFF1 receptor.
Species:  Rat
Tissue:  CHO cells.
Response measured:  Inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation.
References:  17
Measurement of cAMP levels in LβT2 cells.
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  LβT2 cells.
Response measured:  Inhibition of GnRH or forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation.
References:  26
Physiological Functions Click here for help
Opioid nociception modulation.
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  In vivo (nervous tissue).
References:  22
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  In vivo
References:  22
Regulation of stress responses
Species:  Rat
Tissue:  In vivo
References:  15
Regulation of reproductive behaviour
Species:  Rat
Tissue:  In vivo
References:  10
Regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Note that this regulatory function has also been demonstrated in macaque, ovine, bovine, hamster, mouse and rat tissues.
Species:  Human
Tissue:  In vivo, brain, pituitary
References:  2-3,10,12-13,16,20-21,23,25-26,29-33
Regulation of stress responses.
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  In vitro
References:  27


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7. Gouardères C, Quelven I, Mollereau C, Mazarguil H, Rice SQ, Zajac JM. (2002) Quantitative autoradiographic distribution of NPFF1 neuropeptide FF receptor in the rat brain and comparison with NPFF2 receptor by using [125I]YVP and [(125I]EYF as selective radioligands. Neuroscience, 115 (2): 349-61. [PMID:12421602]

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15. Kirby ED, Geraghty AC, Ubuka T, Bentley GE, Kaufer D. (2009) Stress increases putative gonadotropin inhibitory hormone and decreases luteinizing hormone in male rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106 (27): 11324-9. [PMID:19541621]

16. Kriegsfeld LJ, Mei DF, Bentley GE, Ubuka T, Mason AO, Inoue K, Ukena K, Tsutsui K, Silver R. (2006) Identification and characterization of a gonadotropin-inhibitory system in the brains of mammals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103 (7): 2410-5. [PMID:16467147]

17. Liu Q, Guan XM, Martin WJ, McDonald TP, Clements MK, Jiang Q, Zeng Z, Jacobson M, Williams Jr DL, Yu H et al.. (2001) Identification and characterization of novel mammalian neuropeptide FF-like peptides that attenuate morphine-induced antinociception. J Biol Chem, 276 (40): 36961-9. [PMID:11481330]

18. Mollereau C, Mazarguil H, Marcus D, Quelven I, Kotani M, Lannoy V, Dumont Y, Quirion R, Detheux M, Parmentier M et al.. (2002) Pharmacological characterization of human NPFF(1) and NPFF(2) receptors expressed in CHO cells by using NPY Y(1) receptor antagonists. Eur J Pharmacol, 451 (3): 245-56. [PMID:12242085]

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