Met-Ckβ7   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 788

Synonyms: Ckβ7 | Met-chemokine β 7
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Synthetic analogue of human CCL18. This synthetic peptide has an amino acid substitution at the N-terminus. The reference states that a C-terminally-extended variant produced as a result of a frameshift mutation (ending in LKLMPEA) showed identical antagonist activity to the structure shown here
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1. Nibbs RJ, Salcedo TW, Campbell JD, Yao XT, Li Y, Nardelli B, Olsen HS, Morris TS, Proudfoot AE, Patel VP et al.. (2000)
C-C chemokine receptor 3 antagonism by the beta-chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein 4, a property strongly enhanced by an amino-terminal alanine-methionine swap.
J Immunol, 164 (3): 1488-97. [PMID:10640766]