Abbreviated name: MDP
Compound class:
Natural product
Comment: Muramyl dipeptide (MDP) is the minimal bioactive peptidoglycan motif common to all bacteria. It is a ligand for the NOD2 pattern recognition receptor [1,3].
Ligand Activity Visualisation ChartsThese are box plot that provide a unique visualisation, summarising all the activity data for a ligand taken from ChEMBL and GtoPdb across multiple targets and species. Click on a plot to see the median, interquartile range, low and high data points. A value of zero indicates that no data are available. A separate chart is created for each target, and where possible the algorithm tries to merge ChEMBL and GtoPdb targets by matching them on name and UniProt accession, for each available species. However, please note that inconsistency in naming of targets may lead to data for the same target being reported across multiple charts. ✖ |
References |
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