ω-grammotoxin SIA   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 2539

Synonyms: ω-GrTx SIA | omega-grammotoxin SIA | omega-GsTx SIA | omega-GTX SIA
Comment: ω-Grammotoxin SIA (GrTx) is a 36 amino acid residue protein toxin from the venom of the spider Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) [3].
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1. Lampe RA, Defeo PA, Davison MD, Young J, Herman JL, Spreen RC, Horn MB, Mangano TJ, Keith RA. (1993)
Isolation and pharmacological characterization of omega-grammotoxin SIA, a novel peptide inhibitor of neuronal voltage-sensitive calcium channel responses.
Mol Pharmacol, 44 (2): 451-60. [PMID:8394998]
2. McDonough SI, Lampe RA, Keith RA, Bean BP. (1997)
Voltage-dependent inhibition of N- and P-type calcium channels by the peptide toxin omega-grammotoxin-SIA.
Mol Pharmacol, 52 (6): 1095-104. [PMID:9415720]
3. Takeuchi K, Park E, Lee C, Kim J, Takahashi H, Swartz K, Shimada I. (2002)
Solution structure of omega-grammotoxin SIA, a gating modifier of P/Q and N-type Ca(2+) channel.
J Mol Biol, 321 (3): 517-26. [PMID:12162963]