Synonyms: benzoaric acid | eleagic acid
Compound class:
Natural product
Comment: Ellagic acid is a plant-derived phenolic compound, that is found in cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, and in some vegetables and nuts. Its biological effects [2] have been proposed for therapeutic potential, however there is no scientific evidence that supports clinical efficacy in serious medical conditions (cancer, heart disease). The pharmacological properties of urolithin ellagic acid metabolites have also been reported [1].
Classification | |
Compound class | Natural product |
Synonyms |
benzoaric acid | eleagic acid |
Database Links | |
ChEBI | CHEBI:4775 |
ChEMBL Ligand | CHEMBL6246 |
GtoPdb PubChem SID | 485206156 |
PubChem CID | 5281855 |
RCSB PDB Ligand | REF |
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey | AFSDNFLWKVMVRB-UHFFFAOYSA-N |
Search Google for chemicals with the same backbone | AFSDNFLWKVMVRB |
UniChem Compound Search for chemical match using the InChIKey | AFSDNFLWKVMVRB-UHFFFAOYSA-N |
UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey | AFSDNFLWKVMVRB-UHFFFAOYSA-N |