oxycodone [Ligand Id: 7093] activity data from GtoPdb and ChEMBL

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ChEMBL ligand: CHEMBL656 ((-)-14-hydroxydihydrocodeinone, 14-hydroxydihydrocodeinone, Dihydrone, IDS-NO-002, N02AA05, NSC-19043, Oxicone, Oxycodone, Oxycodone cii, Oxymorphone 3-methyl ether, Pavinal, PF-00345439, Proladone, Pti 821, PTI-821, Remoxy, Xtampza, Xtampza er)
  • Acetylcholinesterase in Electrophorus electricus [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4078] [UniProtKB: O42275]
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  • δ receptor/Delta opioid receptor in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL236] [GtoPdb: 317] [UniProtKB: P41143]
  • δ receptor/Delta opioid receptor in Rat [ChEMBL: CHEMBL269] [GtoPdb: 317] [UniProtKB: P33533]
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  • κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL237] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P41145]
  • κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Mouse [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4329] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P33534]
  • κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Rat [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3614] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P34975]
  • Kappa opioid receptor in Guinea pig [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3952] [UniProtKB: P41144]
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  • μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL233] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P35372]
  • μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Mouse [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2858] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P42866]
  • μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Rat [ChEMBL: CHEMBL270] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P33535]
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  • sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1/Sigma opioid receptor in Human [ChEMBL: CHEMBL287] [GtoPdb: 2552] [UniProtKB: Q99720]
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DB Assay description Assay Type Standard value Standard parameter Original value Original units Original parameter Reference
Acetylcholinesterase in Electrophorus electricus (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4078] [UniProtKB: O42275]
ChEMBL Inhibition of electric eel AChE by Ellman's method B 4.12 pIC50 76200 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2010) 18: 5071-5080 [PMID:20580236]
δ receptor/Delta opioid receptor in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL236] [GtoPdb: 317] [UniProtKB: P41143]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human DOR assessed as inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation after 30 mins by cell based TR-FRET assay F 5.4 pEC50 4000 nM EC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2013) 23: 4870-4874 [PMID:23880538]
δ receptor/Delta opioid receptor in Rat (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL269] [GtoPdb: 317] [UniProtKB: P33533]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H][Ile5,6]deltorphin2 from delta opioid receptor in rat brain membrane B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2010) 18: 5071-5080 [PMID:20580236]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H[Ile5,6]-deltorphin II from delta opioid receptor of rat brain membranes B 5.96 pKi 1087 nM Ki J Med Chem (2005) 48: 5052-5055 [PMID:16033285]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]Ile5,6-deltorphin-2 from DOR in Wistar rat brain membranes after 60 mins by liquid scintillation analysis B 6.31 pKi 487 nM Ki Eur J Med Chem (2019) 178: 571-588 [PMID:31220675]
Kv11.1/HERG in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL240] [GtoPdb: 572] [UniProtKB: Q12809]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human ERG expressed in CHO cells at -80 mV holding potential by whole cell patch clamp assay B 5 pIC50 >10000 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2020) 63: 15508-15526 [PMID:33064947]
κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL237] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P41145]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human KOR assessed as inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation after 30 mins by cell based TR-FRET assay F 4.8 pEC50 16000 nM EC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2013) 23: 4870-4874 [PMID:23880538]
κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4329] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P33534]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at mouse KOR assessed as inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation after 30 mins by cell based TR-FRET assay F 4.8 pEC50 16000 nM EC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2013) 23: 4870-4874 [PMID:23880538]
κ receptor/Kappa opioid receptor in Rat (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3614] [GtoPdb: 318] [UniProtKB: P34975]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]U-69593 from kappa opioid receptor of rat brain membranes B 5.58 pKi 2658 nM Ki J Med Chem (2005) 48: 5052-5055 [PMID:16033285]
Kappa opioid receptor in Guinea pig (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL3952] [UniProtKB: P41144]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]U69593 from kappa opioid receptor in guinea pig brain membrane B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2010) 18: 5071-5080 [PMID:20580236]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]HS-665 from KOR in guinea pig brain membranes after 60 mins by liquid scintillation analysis B 6.49 pKi 325 nM Ki Eur J Med Chem (2019) 178: 571-588 [PMID:31220675]
μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL233] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P35372]
ChEMBL Scintillation Proximity Assay (SPA): Briefly, serial dilutions of the test compounds were placed in a 96-well plate to which were added SPA beads, membrane and radioligand. The assay conditions for each opioid receptor subtype are described in Table 10 below. The plates were incubated for 8 hours-overnight at room temperature, spun at 1000 rpm to pellet the SPA beads, and radioactivity was measured using the TopCount microplate Scintillation counter. Specific binding at each concentration of test compound was calculated by subtracting the non-specific binding measured in the presence of excess cold ligand. IC50 values were obtained by non-linear regression of specific binding versus concentration curves and Ki values were calculated using Kd values that were experimentally pre-determined for each lot of membrane preparations. B 6.87 pKi 133.48 nM Ki US-9233167-B2. Oligomer-opioid agonist conjugates (2016)
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]-DAMGO from human MOR expressed in CHOK1 cell membranes incubated for 60 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 7.92 pKi 12 nM Ki J Med Chem (2020) 63: 2434-2454 [PMID:31743642]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]-DAMGO from human MOR expressed in CHOK1 cell membranes incubated for 60 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 7.92 pKi 12 nM Ki J Med Chem (2020) 63: 15508-15526 [PMID:33064947]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]-DAMGO from human MOR expressed in CHO-K1 cell membranes incubated for 60 mins measured by MicroBeta scintillation counter method B 7.92 pKi 12 nM Ki J Med Chem (2021) 64: 10139-10154 [PMID:34236190]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human MOR assessed as inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation after 30 mins by cell based TR-FRET assay F 6.3 pEC50 500 nM EC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2013) 23: 4870-4874 [PMID:23880538]
ChEMBL HiRange Homogenous Time-Resolved Fluorescence (HTRF) Assay: Briefly, suspensions of cells expressing either the mu, kappa or delta opioid receptors were prepared in buffer containing 0.5 mM isobutyl-methyl xanthine (IBMX). Cells were incubated with varying concentrations of PEG-opioid conjugates and 3 uM forskolin for 30 minutes at room temperature. cAMP was detected following a two-step assay protocol per the manufacturer's instructions and time resolved fluorescence was measured with the following settings: 330 nm excitation; 620 nm and 665 nm emission; 380 nm dichroic mirror. The 665 nm/620 nm ratio is expressed as Delta F % and test compound-related data is expressed as a percentage of average maximum response in wells without forskolin. EC50 values were calculated for each compound from a sigmoidal dose-response plot of concentrations versus maximum response. F 6.32 pEC50 478 nM EC50 US-9233167-B2. Oligomer-opioid agonist conjugates (2016)
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human MOR expressed in CHOK1 cells assessed as stimulation of cAMP accumulation incubated for 45 mins by HTRF assay F 7.77 pEC50 17 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2020) 63: 2434-2454 [PMID:31743642]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human MOR expressed in CHOK1 cells assessed as stimulation of cAMP accumulation incubated for 45 mins by HTRF assay F 7.77 pEC50 17 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2020) 63: 15508-15526 [PMID:33064947]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at human MOR expressed in CHO-K1 cells assessed as reduction in forskolin-induced cAMP production incubated for 45 mins by by HTRF assay F 7.77 pEC50 17 nM EC50 J Med Chem (2021) 64: 10139-10154 [PMID:34236190]
μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL2858] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P42866]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at mouse MOR assessed as inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation after 30 mins by cell based TR-FRET assay F 6.8 pEC50 160 nM EC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2013) 23: 4870-4874 [PMID:23880538]
μ receptor/Mu opioid receptor in Rat (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL270] [GtoPdb: 319] [UniProtKB: P33535]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]DAMGO from mu opioid receptor in rat brain membrane B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2010) 18: 5071-5080 [PMID:20580236]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]DAMGO from mu opioid receptor of rat brain membranes B 7.36 pKi 43.6 nM Ki J Med Chem (2005) 48: 5052-5055 [PMID:16033285]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]DAMGO from MOR in Wistar rat brain membranes after 60 mins by liquid scintillation analysis B 8.05 pKi 8.9 nM Ki Eur J Med Chem (2019) 178: 571-588 [PMID:31220675]
ChEMBL Agonist activity at MOR in Wistar rat brain membranes after 60 mins by [35S]-GTPgammaS binding assay F 7.6 pEC50 25 nM EC50 Eur J Med Chem (2019) 178: 571-588 [PMID:31220675]
sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1/Sigma opioid receptor in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL287] [GtoPdb: 2552] [UniProtKB: Q99720]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]-(+)-pentazocine from human sigma-1 receptor expressed in HEK293 membranes incubated for 120 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki J Med Chem (2020) 63: 2434-2454 [PMID:31743642]
ChEMBL Displacement of 3H](+)-pentazocine from human sigma1 receptor expressed in HEK293 cell membranes incubated for 120 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki J Med Chem (2020) 63: 15508-15526 [PMID:33064947]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]-(+)-pentazocine from human sigma-1 receptor transfected in HEK293 membranes incubated for 120 mins measured by microBeta scintillation counter method B 5 pKi >10000 nM Ki J Med Chem (2021) 64: 10139-10154 [PMID:34236190]

ChEMBL data shown on this page come from version 34:

Zdrazil B, Felix E, Hunter F, Manners EJ, Blackshaw J, Corbett S, de Veij M, Ioannidis H, Lopez DM, Mosquera JF, Magarinos MP, Bosc N, Arcila R, Kizilören T, Gaulton A, Bento AP, Adasme MF, Monecke P, Landrum GA, Leach AR. (2024). The ChEMBL Database in 2023: a drug discovery platform spanning multiple bioactivity data types and time periods. Nucleic Acids Res., 52(D1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkad1004. [EPMCID:10767899] [PMID:37933841]
Davies M, Nowotka M, Papadatos G, Dedman N, Gaulton A, Atkinson F, Bellis L, Overington JP. (2015) 'ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities.' Nucleic Acids Res., 43(W1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv352. [EPMCID:25883136]